Empowering Your Financial Journey Through Faith

Find your path to financial faithfulness

A woman with glasses sitting at a table, counting money.

Our Mission

At Kingdom Legacy Consulting, our mission is to empower people to navigate their financial journey with wisdom, confidence, and peace of mind. Rooted in faith and guided by biblical principles, we dedicate ourselves to demystifying wealth management and legacy building. We are committed to transforming financial understanding into a beacon of strength and faith, even in life's most challenging moments. Our approach ensures that when the unexpected occurs, finances are not a burden but a well-prepared foundation. Through personalized education and strategic use of life insurance products, we safeguard your present and fortify your future, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Together, we create a legacy of fulfillment and security, aligning financial decisions with spiritual values to achieve a life of preparedness, peace of mind and enjoyment.

What We Can help With

  • Life Insurance

    Secure your family's future with our life insurance services rooted in biblical principles.

  • Financial Coaching

    Empower your financial journey with personalized coaching and our "12 Steps to Financial Faithfulness" program.

  • Resources

    Access wealth-building tools and educational content to guide your financial decisions.

A phone, notebook, and money arranged on a sofa

About Us

In the heart of Kingdom Legacy Consulting beats the resilient spirit of Abby, a person shaped by profound personal loss, a daunting journey through debt, and journey of faith. Her transition from a compassionate nurse to the founder of a pioneering financial education firm is a testament to her strength, deeply rooted in her spiritual beliefs and her commitment to helping others navigate their financial and spiritual paths.

Discover how faith-based financial planning can transform your future.